Funding Opportunity:

This funding opportunity will support high-quality, high-impact youth programs that advance physical well-being programming that is holistic, culturally responsive and informed or driven by youth and their families. 这将有助于提高青年及其家庭的资产,使他们拥有 agency and self-determination 从他们的文化背景和经历中做出与良好身体健康有关的决定.

根据本基金会促进卫生公平的意图,建议 center youth of color will receive priority consideration. We also seek to support programs that serve girls and girls of color, 患有身体和/或发育障碍的青年以及认同为LGBTQ的青年.

We anticipate funding requests ranging from $50,000 to $200,000 over two years from youth-serving nonprofit organizations, government entities, 学校和其他以青年为中心的社区合作伙伴,为他们社区的青年提供适合年龄的身体健康项目.

Two funding pathways:


  • Existing programs are already holistic, culturally responsive and informed/driven by youth and families. 这些项目已经准备好扩大规模,并为我们的重点人群提供更多的机会和机会.


  • Programs are holistic, culturally responsive and informed/driven by youth/families, 但需要深化他们的实践和专业知识,以提供最能满足我们重点人群需求的有影响力的项目机会.

Proposed programs must reflect the Foundation’s cornerstones. 这些概述了我们为谁服务,我们的工作是如何被告知和我们的意图创造 health equity.

Have questions? 我们在这里讨论你的想法,并鼓励你在申请资金之前与我们十大菠菜靠谱平台Use this tool 根据您感兴趣的领域或地理区域与项目官员十大菠菜靠谱平台. Still have questions? Reach out to us by email or by phone at 303-953-3600.

我有必要加入我的律师事务所,请帮忙español,请帮忙contáctenos a [email protected].


To be considered for funding, programs must meet the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the Foundation's cornerstones.
  • Integrated: 项目采用综合方法进行体育素养和健康教育.
    • 体育素养鼓励青少年在多种环境下的各种体育活动中有能力、有信心地活动身体,有利于整个人的健康发展.
    • Health education supports youth in obtaining, 处理和理解做出有利于身体健康的健康决定所需的基础知识.
  • Youth and Family Driven项目必须深入了解并由青年推动,其范围可以从由青年开发到为青年和家庭提供强有力的投入空间.
  • Holistic: Programs address factors that create barriers to good physical health, such as confidence and self-efficacy. 这些项目有意地与身体活动和运动以及其他解决身体形象和自尊的因素建立积极的十大菠菜靠谱平台.
  • Culturally Responsive: Programs must be inclusive of participant’s cultural identity, 语言和传统,同时利用青年的力量,并以所服务社区的资产为基础.
  • Welcoming Environment: 项目为生活在他们身份和生活经历交叉点的年轻人创造了一个温馨的环境. Examples of a welcoming environment include:
    • Youth-centered nondiscrimination statement
    • Staff that reflects the identities of youth served by the program
    • Language access in languages other than English
  • Programs primarily focused on mentorship, leadership development, mental health, violence prevention, 以及其他与青少年身体健康和幸福无关的问题
  • 不需要在特定时间内持续参与的项目(例如.g. drop-in programs)
  • Programs focused on respite care only
  • 以比赛为中心的项目,或者其主要目的是培养个人运动能力的项目, progression and success
  • Organizational staff training or development


Culturally responsive: an approach to viewing culture and identity as assets, including a person's race, ethnicity or linguistic assets, among other characteristics.

Developmental disability:指在成年前出现的由精神或身体缺陷引起的多种慢性疾病.

Holistic: refers to the recognition of the whole person-physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual.

Intersectionality: the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, 被认为造成重叠和相互依赖的歧视或不利制度的.

Physical disability指在生活中严重限制一项或多项基本身体活动的状况.

Physical health:指的是了解你的身体是如何工作的,并养成提高身体功能的习惯.

This body of work focuses on two components of physical health:

  • 体育素养(积极的生活方式和身体健康):在多种环境中进行各种有益于整个人健康发展的体育活动的能力和信心.
  • 健康教育(了解健康信息):个人获得的能力, 处理和了解作出适当卫生决定所需的基本卫生信息和服务(e).g., choices about healthy diet and nutrition).

Physical well-being: refers to the state of your physical body and how well it is operating.



Youth of color: Arab/Middle Eastern, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Indigenous/Native American and multiracial.

We often partner with third-party evaluators, 承包商和其他组织在我们与申请人和受资助者的工作过程中. 在审查过程和拨款周期中,您的申请及其附件可能会与这些个人或实体共享. 所有与基金会合作的第三方组织都签署了保密协议,不会将这些信息用于资助申请或资助奖励特定工作范围之外的目的. 如果您有任何疑问或想了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件 [email protected] or call our senior director of Grantmaking Operations at 303-953-3600.

We encourage all applicants to sign up 在我们的赠款门户网站确认注册至少提前一周提交赠款申请完成.

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